Publish Date

March 22, 2023

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The automotive industry is full of specialized terms and acronyms; it's easy to get overwhelmed by all of it! Whether you're a customer trying to understand the lingo, new to working in a dealership or just want a refresher, this crash course on chassis can help you better understand it all.

After Frame (AF)

Distance from the center of the rear axle(s) to the end of the frame.

Body Length (BL)

The distance from the foremost point of the body to the rearmost point of the body.

Cab to Axle (CA) // Cab to Tandem/Trunnion (CT)

Dimension from the back of the cab to the centerline of the axle or to the midpoint of the tandem (trunnion) axle. Clear CA or effective CA is the distance from the rear surface of any obstruction behind the