Publish Date

September 6, 2019



It’s an overwhelming sense of pride knowing you swept a customer off their feet helping them find the perfect vehicle for their application and it’s ideal when you can seal that perfect deal with a solid handshake. Although these sweet deals will continue to serve as motivation in the field of sales, there’s one thing for certain: online sales has and will continue to be a driving force in the process of selling any given product or service in the industry of automotive sales. Gaining the vital fundamental elements of promoting your brand on social media will not only promote awareness of your business to a broader and more diverse audience, but it will provide you the steps required to ultimately help you seal that perfect deal more frequently.

According to Instagram, 60% of consumers report that they learn about new products on Instagram. Over 2 million businesses across the globe utilize Instagram in order to share their company stories and better manage and conduct sales.

“With Instagram, we were able to achieve significant lift in ad recall. Land Rover had the highest share of voice amongst our competitors, alongside cost-effective reach, within the target audience.” –Andy Jackson, Digital Community and Content Strategy Manager, Land Rover


  • Download the Instagram app for iOS from the App Store, Android from Google Play store or Windows Phone from the Windows Phone Store
  • Select Sign Up, enter your email address and select Next
  • Once you are in the app, navigate to Settings and select Switch to Business Account and input basic business info here such as hours, address and phone number


Now that you’ve got your account set up, next is the exciting part, promoting your brand. Below is your basic Instagram beginner’s survival guide to managing your account and strategically creating and posting standout content that is unique to your commercial department.

Create Goals

What does your business want to achieve through Instagram? Set goals, making sure they are specific and attainable. Examples may include growing product sales, driving traffic to your website or establishing relationships with other influencers. Create strategies from these goals and apply them throughout all of your posts and interactions on Instagram.

Profile Image

Set your profile picture as your company’s logo. Be sure to set the same profile picture across all of your social platforms in order to aid with discoverability of your business.

When to Post

Maintain consistency when posting on Instagram. You’ll want to post frequently, but not too much that it overwhelms your followers. You can find your business’s ideal posting schedule by beginning with one post a day. Adjust as needed and measure the success of your various posting schedules. Based off your measured results, post as frequently as needed.


In order to boost awareness of your business on Instagram you will need to be an active user. Kick start this by following influencers in your industry such as customers or affiliates. Be clear on what audience you want your business to target on Instagram. Use industry hashtags in your posts and interact with other users through comments, likes, follows, etc. Make your presence known and you’ll more than likely see a result of an increase of followers.


Promote your Instagram account on your other social sites by embedding your Instagram handle into these pages as well as your web page.

Brand Element Implementation

Implement your creative brand elements into your posts such as your company color, copyrighting elements, typography, logo, photography, design elements, graphics, etc. These elements should live and breathe throughout all of your posts. Make your photos recognizable by maintaining visual consistency as well as consistency with your business’s brand elements.

You can enroll in free, online classes on Instagram’s website to learn how to best manage and utilize Instagram in order to gain the biggest benefit for your business. Discover new campaigns and creative tools to build your mobile presence. Start now by visiting here.

With the following tools and strategies, you won’t need to hire someone to solely dedicate their time to social media marketing. You will gain the knowledge required to successfully execute your business strategy and promotion over social media- giving you the full ability to promote awareness of your business, expand your audience, and drive your business to success in today’s world of technology.